We’re building something big

Public procurement is a $2 trillion a year industry that shapes the lives of all Americans—and it’s (mostly) offline.

Pavilion builds technology infrastructure that public servants use to deliver better, faster public services from a wider and more diverse set of businesses. We’re building a ‘big tent’ in service of this mission—and you can help.

A Pavilion team photo in our office.

The Pavilion team (most of it!) in 2022, in San Francisco, CA.

Empower public servants

We strive to build products and experiences that enable public sector buyers to better serve the public. Our decisions are anchored by our expertise, empathy, and relationships with public sector buyers.

Champion ensemble

We do our best work alongside teammates that are highly collaborative, curious, and courageous. We’re hungry to improve ourselves, each other, and our organization.

An illustration of hands holding up a government building.

Build a big tent

We care about building spaces that are welcoming and inclusive. In our product and as a team, we put in extra effort to support and enable diverse groups and move the public sector procurement industry forward.

Our Story

Our Story
December 5, 2022

Bringing more (and more diverse) government suppliers online

At Pavilion, we aspire to see a step-change increase in the number and diversity of businesses selling to the public sector within the next decade. To achieve this goal, we must radically reduce the costs of selling to governments for all businesses.
Our Story
November 3, 2022

When it comes to meaningful work, public procurement is “all that”

Public procurement is a massive industry that shapes the lives of all Americans. It’s government’s sexiest problem - and it’s been here in glasses and a sweater the whole time. 
Our Story
October 28, 2022

Why I'm building Pavilion

Pavilion cofounder, Alicia Chen, was one of Dropbox's first female engineers and most recently worked for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Although she knows that philanthropic and nonprofit contributions matter, she understands that when it comes to making a big impact, government matters more.

We're hungry for large-scale positive impact

We’re building Pavilion to improve lives at scale by making government purchasing work better. We’re ambitious about building a successful venture-scale business that unlocks massive social impact upside. Expertise in scaling venture-backed tech companies with experience in public service is in our team’s DNA.

We’re super collaborative

Ask us about launching a first-of-its-kind government partnership in under a week, how everyone on the team participates in user research calls and customer support requests on rotation, or how we love solving crosswords as a team.

We’re unabashedly earnest

Ask us about how we celebrate our wins in #shoutouts, what we do at Thursday Time, and how we like to combine our musical talents and passion for public procurement.

Work with us!

If you’re looking to grow at the speed of a startup and have impact at the scale of government, check out our open positions.

Our investors

What’s happening at Pavilion

July 26, 2024

Our Commitment to Empowering Public Servants

Learn how we are staying true to our mission of serving public entities at no cost.
Team Members
May 28, 2024

Welcoming Harrison Hughes

Learn about Pavilion's newest Account Executive!
Team Members
May 28, 2024

Welcoming Chris Alder

Meet Pavilion's newest Lead Product Manager!