Life-Assist, Inc.

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Chris Nelson

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9 active shareable contracts

Life-Assist is one of the nation's largest distributors of emergency medical supplies and equipment for the First Responder, Paramedic, EMT and EMS provider. Since 1977, we've specialized in customer service, with customer satisfaction as our ultimate goal. You'll never talk to a computer when you call Life-Assist during business hours - only trained, knowledgeable, and friendly customer service representatives. Thank you for considering Life-Assist for your supply and equipment needs. We look forward to the privilege of serving you.

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Confirmed in contract scope

  • first aid and safety equipment and supplies (except nuclear and welding)
  • ferrous gluconate
  • methocarbamol
  • measle virus vaccine, live, attenuated
  • lidocaine hcl jelly
  • oral contraceptives

26 Contracts